Babies and toddlers are just so adorable, but imagine them in Halloween costumes! The cuteness is magnified!!
It’s time to start thinking about a Halloween costume for your little one. You have a variety of options, including buying a costume at a retail or consignment store, designing a costume yourself, or being super cute with a mommy and me costume. Let the creative juices flow!
If you are thinking of creating your own costume, you can get some great ideas at the following websites.
How cute would it be to include you and baby, and even dad, in a Halloween costume theme? Check out the following websites for some creative ideas.
Consignment shops are another alternative for a Halloween costume for baby. Kid to Kid consignment is located right in Charlotte.
Whichever route you take for Halloween costumes, I am sure your baby will be adorable!
What other tips do you have for Halloween costumes for baby? Please, share!