I am always amazed at how newborns can sleep through most of their photo shoot. When they are not sleeping, they are eating, and then back to the photo shoot. What a life!
Many of my studio moms tell me that they plan their day around baby’s naps. Pediatricians indicate that being diligent about a nap routine is a great idea, since sleep allows baby’s brain some downtown and plays a role in growth, metabolism, and development. Although babies can doze off anywhere, the best environment for nap time is a cool, dark, and quiet place.
Although each baby is different, napping usually follow a pattern based on baby’s age.
- Up to 3 months – Baby sleeps most of the day and a regular schedule is difficult to maintain.
- 4 to 8 months – Three naps a day is generally typical, with baby being awake for about two hours between naps.
- 9 to 14 months – Usually two naps are common with each averaging about two hours.
- 15 to 18 months – Most toddlers of this age are down to one nap, lasting between one and three hours. Right after lunch is a normal nap time for this age group.
- 19 months to 3 years – These toddlers usually still need a daily nap, but length may vary from 1 to 3 hours. There may be some days when a nap is not needed and others when napping is a necessity.
- 3 years and older – Most children give up their naps between 2½ and 5 years of age. If your child can sleep through the night and is fairly tolerable in the late afternoon and early evening, it may be time to give up the traditional nap schedule. Giving up naps does not mean giving up rest time. Encourage your child to spend a regularly scheduled quiet time in their room resting, looking at books, coloring, or playing gently with toys. This can be a win for you too!
What experiences have you had with baby’s nap time? Please, share.