I spent the afternoon a few days ago with Anderson, my BFF's 6-month old. He is a very good natured little guy, but he was not happy that day. Of course, I tried comforting him, but he wanted nothing to do with it! Later that night my friend texted me a picture of Anderson's first tooth breaking through the gum. His crankiness then made sense!
If your little one is nearing six months, signs of teething may become evident. You may notice that your baby is chewing on everything, which relieves the pressure of the emerging tooth. Sore gums may look red and swollen, and drooling could be enhanced. Pulling on the ear, often a sign of an ear infection, is also an indication of teething. Probably, the most obvious sign of teething is general fussiness and irritability. Nothing you do seems to satisfy baby.
So, how can you help? I just felt terrible that I couldn't satisfy Anderson when he was so uncomfortable. One of the best reliefs for baby is chewing and it is more effective when the object is cold and numbs the gums. Teething toys or wet washcloths, kept in the fridge and not the freezer, will feel great on sore gums. Cold water in a bottle or sippy cup and cold foods can also ease achy gums. In the worst case scenario and with approval of your pediatrician, baby acetaminophen may bring relief and help baby to sleep.
What other tips do you have for helping baby with teething? Please, share!