Welcome back to Talking Tails!
Spring is finally here…Yeah!! We don’t know about your house, but we are in the midst of spring
cleaning. Our Mom and Dad are really taking this seriously and have been super busy with all kinds of
cleaning projects. We do a lot of spring cleaning watching, which tires us out, and then we have to nap!
To those of you living with humans, who are partaking in the time-honored tradition of spring cleaning,
remember that some household cleaning products, as well as fertilizers and pesticides, can be toxic to
dogs. It is so important that labels are read and followed for proper use and storage of cleaning agents.
The safest cleaning supplies are free of ammonia, chlorine, bleach, paraben, and phosphates.
Speaking of spring, here are a few other health tips to consider.
We are kept on heartworm, flea, and tick preventative year round. If you are not, now is the time for
your caretakers to check with the vet and get you back on your preventatives. As it gets warmer,
mosquitoes, who transmit heartworm disease, will become more prevalent. They are joined by their
pesky tick and flea friends. We are itching just thinking of it!
Our walks and car rides take us past many beautiful private and public gardens. Did you know some
flowers are toxic to dogs and can be fatal if eaten? Azaleas, foxglove, oleander, and philodendron are
some of the over 700 common yard, house, and wild plants of concern. Additionally, for those of you
who like to dig, and what dog doesn’t, tulip, daffodil, and hyacinth bulbs are toxic. We recommend
taking time to smell the flowers, but don’t eat them!
Check that your tags or microchip contain current contact information. Warmer weather means trips to
the park, longer walks, and just being out and about more. These also present more opportunities for
dogs to wander off. Of course, we hope this never happens, but in the event that you get separated
from your human, your tag or microchip could lead to a sweet reunion!
Here’s to a safe and fun-filled spring!
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey