Welcome back to Talking Tails!
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day! We had fun until the fireworks started. They really bother Joey.
Loud, unexpected noises cause stress and anxiety in some dogs, including Joey. They experience symptoms similar to what you do when startled – an increased heart rate, an adrenaline rush, and the release of stress hormones. Fireworks are hard for us to anticipate and they can catch us off guard. We are better at handling thunderstorms because we can notice changes in barometric pressure and wind, so it is not a surprise to us.
Mom has tried a number of things to alleviate Joey’s fears and address his behavior (barking, barking, and, did I mention, barking?) during fireworks. She keeps Joey inside the house, which is a safe place for him. A favorite toy and treats are used for distraction during the fireworks. We have the TV on to try and mask the sounds made by the fireworks. Mom assures Joey that everything is fine, keeping herself calm reassures Joey that there is no need to panic.
Despite all of our mom’s best efforts, Joey was still having difficulty with fireworks. She read-up on using sensory enrichment to calm dogs. So, we are now having some success with tactile and smell stimulation to help Joey be calmer. He wears a thundershirt that provides gentle and constant pressure, similar to being held close and swaddled. An essential oil blend is massaged into Joey’s outer ears and, if needed, is sprayed on his bed. Both of these have helped Joey to be calmer during firework festivities and the barking has reduced!
Here’s to a quieter July 4th !
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey