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As I shared in a previous blog, I was diagnosed with diabetes last summer. We need to pay attention to this disease since about 1 in 500 dogs develop diabetes.
I want to share a very cool way to have your vet determine if your insulin dosage is accurate. So, those of you with diabetes need to listen up! Every six months, we need to have lab tests to check if the insulin dosage is still working to manage our blood sugar. I used to go to the vet for the day, which is a stress-provoking environment for me! Every few hours, the lab tech drew my blood and measured my sugar levels. A blood glucose curve is generated from these results. Well…when dogs are stressed, they do not
manage their blood sugars as well as when they are relaxed. So, the blood glucose curve may not be entirely accurate.
Enter the FreeStyle Libre Sensor, yes, the same device that is used on humans. In humans, the sensor is placed on the upper arm and can continually monitor blood sugar levels. Through a phone app, the sensor can be “read” by simply placing the phone near it. This is now what I use, and the process is so simple.
I go to the vet, get my back shaved (just a small area), and have the sensor adhered to my skin. My Mom then has her phone set-up with the app. I get to go home, and she monitors my blood glucose level for two weeks, which is the lifespan of the sensor. My readings are shared with the vet daily, so he can then determine if my insulin dosage needs to be adjusted. If needed, we can make that dosage change, continue to send blood glucose levels to the vet for the next few days, and he can determine if the new
dosage is working. This is amazing! I get to stay at home, lay on my bed, have my blood sugar level painlessly read, and never have to spend the day at the scary veterinary office! After two weeks, I go back to have the sensor removed and I’m good to go for six months.
If you have not explored this option, I recommend you share this with your humans. It was life changing for me.
Talk to you soon!