Welcome back to Talking Tails!
How are all of you doing during the stay-at-home order? I must admit that we have had to add walks and running in grandma’s back yard to my routine.
I am sure that you are learning more about your humans and they are learning more about you during these intense times together. Let me share a few thoughts…
If we are used to having our humans leave the house daily, that means we have our own routine. So, now with humans home, our routine has also been impacted. Our cousin, Binx, who is generally in the same room with his humans when they are home, has been found moving to an entire different floor of the house to find some alone time during quarantine!
We tend to take naps, maybe a morning and an afternoon one. No judgment, please! By nature, we tend to find a warm place to nap. So, just maybe our human’s laptop has become the warmest place in the house. I have seen many pictures on Facebook and Instagram of my furry friends taking advantage of this! We also have the responsibility of supervising our humans as they work, since there are so many new work-related supplies that we just must investigate.
It is our duty to make sure that our humans take the appropriate number of breaks throughout the day. So, our barking, being a bit irritating, and even laying across the laptop or on their hands are all great ways for us to fulfill our responsibilities! Whatever it takes…
Some of our humans may be experiencing stress, loneliness, isolation, anxiety, or other emotions during this worldwide health crisis. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that pets provide emotional support to humans, as well as helping to control humans’ heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol, a hormone relate to stress. Bringing comfort and happiness to our humans may be our most important job at this time.
Talk to you soon!