Summer is certainly here! It’s time for beach, picnics, travel, and family get-togethers! In trying to stay as cool as possible, we need to be especially aware of babies and heat. The temperature-regulating system of babies is not fully developed, so they cannot efficiently cool their bodies.
The following tips will help you to keep baby cool and safe during the hot days of summer.
- Hydration – Your baby needs extra fluids on hot days, with water recommended for babies over six months and additional formula or breastfeeding for younger babies. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to dehydration, with early symptoms manifesting as a flushed face and warm skin.
- Clothing – Lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing is ideal for baby. This type of clothing is “breathable” and keeps baby cool. If venturing outside, be sure to add sunglasses and a hat to protect from sun exposure.
- Stay in the shade – If out in the sun, add a sunshade to your stroller. If at the beach or park, seek out a tree or a beach umbrella. Direct sunlight is to be avoided at all costs. Baby’s skin does not contain much melanin, so sun can burn and damage the skin.
- Be smart – Since babies cannot perspire as adults do, overheating can occur very quickly. Avoid leaving baby in a hot or poorly ventilated area. Never leave a baby in a parked car, regardless if the window is cracked open or the car is parked in the shade. Just a few minutes can be life- threatening for baby.
What suggestions do you have for keeping baby cool in the summer heat? Please, share.