Welcome back to Talking Tails!
Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a great holiday. Ours was amazing and we are ready to get back to our blog writing!
Wow, it is cold outside! We heard a local meteorologist report that the Queen City is in the midst of its coldest snap since 1995. This cold is something we have never experienced before down here in the south. When we visit our extended family up north, we do have to deal with major cold and snow…that is the worst!
We sure hope that all of you have been able to be indoors over the past few weeks. For those of you who normally are outside dogs, this is not the time for valor. Get inside and get warm!
Even when we are rocking an awesome sweater, only part of our body is covered. Be careful of your ears, paws, and tails, as the cold causes blood to move from your extremities to the center of your body. This can lead to potential frostbite in these areas. Believe us, it is even more painful than it sounds!
If you are like us on these cold days, we run out to do our business and then quickly return to the warmth of our living room. On sunny days, however, we may linger outside a bit and Joey may even lap the yard a few times. We do see some of our furry friends out for walks during these cold, sunny afternoons. This is all good because we do need to exercise and to prevent the dreaded cabin fever. Don’t be fooled, however, because it is still low temperatures, so no sun bathing!
Every dog needs a good night’s sleep and let’s not forget a few good naps! Wood and tile floors can be cold, as can plastic or metal trays that are found in many crates. We hope that your humans are providing a towel or blanket for you to snuggle in and keep warm. The heated mattress pad in our Mom’s and Dad’s bed is pretty nice too! Sweet dreams!
Stay warm out there!
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey