Welcome back to Talking Tails!
We happily shared in a previous blog that our cousin, Jade, moved from an apartment into a house. Well fast forward to mid-winter and she has a bit of a muddy backyard. You know what that means…bathtime. We are sure that many of our furry friends share our displeasure with taking a bath!
We thought we would share a few tips to make the inevitable a little more bearable. So, key your humans into the following info!
Using the right water temperature and shampoo are crucial. Lukewarm water is the way to go. Your human can check the temperature on their forearm, which is more sensitive than their hands. Please, don’t reach for the human shampoo, but instead use one that is specially formulated for dogs. We have a different skin pH balance, so human shampoo will dry out our skin. Speaking of shampoo, be sure to massage the soap into our fur…oh, that feels so good…to fully trap and wash the dirt away. Soap us up from the legs to the face and rinse us off in the reverse order, from the face to the legs.
Towel dry our fur by gently squeezing it and pulling out as much water as possible. We like to take a good shake after our bath, so having a towel draped over our back saves the room, and our mom, from water splatter! Be sure our fur is as dry as possible before brushing us out. If we are still wet, brushing could create mats…and who wants those.
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey