Welcome back to Talking Tails!
Check us out with our new walking leash! This has been a great investment because our individual leashes no longer get tangled when we are out walking. That makes it easier for us to walk and for our human walker to manage us!
Speaking of walking, spring is a great time to get back out for walks. It is great exercise for dogs and humans! We love to stroll around the neighborhood, but our Mom and Dad also take us to walking trails and parks. We get lots of exercise, fresh air, great things to smell, and new dogs to meet!
We have been very observant on our walks and see that some of our furry friends are great walkers, while others just do not know how to behave. How embarrassing for all canines! First of all, let your human lead, s/he is the pack leader, not you. You should walk behind or next to your human. That may be hard to take, but that’s the reality of the situation! If you need to be reminded of this, and sometimes Buster does, your human can have more control by using a short leash.
We know there are amazing things to smell and so many things “to mark” along a walk. If you are one of those dogs, and you know who you are, you need to check yourself. Your human is taking you out to exercise and to release some energy, so you need to cooperate. We are partially guilty of this behavior, especially at the beginning of our walks. Your human should reward you with time to relieve yourself and sniff around after you have properly walked for a portion of the outing.
You can signal your human that you may be overheated or overtired by stopping. We do not see this very often on our walks because most humans know their dog’s limits. We are always amazed at the dogs that jog with their owners…not us!!
Here’s to mastering the walk and getting some exercise!
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey