Welcome back to Talking Tails!
Spring is finally here! We love it! The only down side is the dreaded allergies. Buster is bothered by allergies in the spring, while Joey has issues with the fall allergens. We know it is our immune system overreacting to non-harmful substances, but we wish it would just take a rest!
Common environmental allergens are dust mites, dander, and the molds and pollens from grasses, trees, weeds, and flowers. So living in the south, we can take our pick at what is specifically causing our allergies! Have you seen one of your furry buddies licking or scratching incessantly…bet it is allergies.
Other common symptoms include runny eyes, sneezing, ear infections, snoring, and swollen paws. If this
is you, head to the vet.
Environmental allergies can be managed in a variety of ways, but unless you move out of the area, they will never go away. Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and cyclosporine are all different types of medicines that can effectively manage the symptoms of allergies. We take Zyrtec and Apoquel (antihistamines) daily to help us manage our allergies. Our cousin, Jade, takes Claritin for her allergies. Occasionally, we have a big reaction (eyes don’t stop running, itching beyond belief and everywhere) and then we have to
take prednisone (corticosteroid) to get it back under control. Although it works quickly to relieve the itching, the prednisone makes us have to void our bladders very frequently…even during the night.
It is important to treat environmental allergies because ignoring them can cause further problems. The itching can make the skin raw and that can lead to bacterial or yeast infections. Doesn’t sound pleasant and probably involves wearing the dreaded cone!
Enjoy the Spring and take your allergies seriously! Hopefully, you are one of the lucky ones who can enjoy the season without any allergic reaction. We are jealous!
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey