Welcome back to Talking Tails!
We would like you to meet our buddies, Dwayne the Rock Johnson and Gidget. They were recently in the studio for photo shoots. They rocked it!
We were surprised to learn that they are both deaf. That intrigued us since we have never met a do who could not hear. Our minds went into overdrive…Why were they deaf? How do they communicate with other dogs and their humans? Do they bark?
Our research revealed that some dogs inherit a genetic defect and are born deaf, while others may have experienced an untreated ear infection or injury, and some simply experience deafness as part of the aging process. Interestingly, some dog breeds are more prone to being born deaf, including Australian Shepherds, Dalmatians, Great Danes, and Welsh Corgis.
Deaf dogs are trainable and learn through hand commands, rather than verbal commands. Handlers often get their attention by turning the lights on and off (visual stimulation), taking a few heavy steps (vibration stimulus), or very gently touching the dog in the same spot every time (tactile stimulation). Most importantly, they love to be rewarded for good behavior with treats, just like dogs who can hear!
And they do bark! This is an instinctive behavior and not learned, so no hearing required!
We tip our hats to all our furry friends and, especially, to our deaf buddies during National Deaf Dog Awareness Week – September 18-24. All dogs, including those who cannot hear, make wonderful family members and loving companions.
Talk to you soon!
Buster and Joey